Hario | Drip Pot Wood Neck

by Hario

240ml 240ml 480ml
Natural Wood Natural Wood Olive Wood

Do you enjoy drinking freshly brewed, rich-flavour coffee?
Why not use the Hario Drip Pot next time you wish to make a proper cup of coffee to kick-start your day. With this drip pot you can prepare a delicious coffee using a traditional brewing method.

What makes the cloth method different? The coffee brews for longer when you use a cloth to extract all the goodness from your favourite coffee beans. The result is a robust, full-flavoured and strong tasting coffee.

The Hario Drip Pot Cloth uses flannel material to filter instead of a regular paper filter. Drinking this type of coffee is ideal when you need a boost. With the Hario drip pot you can start each morning full of energy. This is one of the oldest methods to brew coffee. Taste a drop of the coffee history and it's possible you'll be converted to this brewing method with the Hario drip pot.

No compromises are made to acidity, bitterness, and the bean's original flavour characteristics. Through a fine cotton flannel, coffee is extracted slowly to retain the rich taste of its oil.

  • Drip Pot Wood Neck 240ml DPW-1
Origin: Made in Japan
Material Pot: Heatproof glass
Cloth filter: Cotton flannel
Ring: Stainless steel
String: Leather
Handle, Grip, String stopper: Natural wood
Measurements W 95× D 95× H 168mm 93Φ
Colours Natural wood

1-2 cups


  • Drip Pot Wood Neck 480ml DPW-3/DPW-3-OV
Origin: Made in Japan
Material Pot: Heatproof glass
Cloth filter: Cotton flannel
Ring: Stainless steel
String: Leather
Handle, Grip, String stopper: Natural wood /Olive Wood
Measurements W 110× D 110× H 195mm 101Φ
Colours Natural wood/Olive Wood

3-4 cups




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