SCA Green Coffee Intermediate

by SCA

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The Green Coffee module covers the key concepts surrounding green coffee, from growing the plant, through processing, shipping, storage and arrival at a roaster.  It includes principles of coffee growing, processing and green coffee grading and coffee contracts and green coffee portfolio management.

Intermediate looks at green coffee in greater detail and builds on the core vocational skills needed by people who work with green coffee on a daily basis.  It is broken down into three areas: Principles of coffee growing and processing; Introduction to green coffee grading; Coffee contracts and green coffee portfolio management.

This intermediate course is designed to build on the knowledge gained in the Green Coffee Foundation course and prepare the student for more complex job functions found in the green coffee profession. Specifically:

  • Botany and agronomy are developed further
  • Processing is explored in more detail and quality as a result of processing is introduced as a concept
  • Defects as well as positive grading variables are introduced to the student
  • Core elements of green coffee contracts are introduced
  • Grading and quality differentiation with regard to contracts is introduced
  • Seasonality and quality storage variables are introduced as concepts
  • Market terminology is developed further
  • Decaffeination is developed further
  • Mechanisms of certification are explored in further detail

It is recommended that students have been working for a minimum of six months in a job with exposure to green coffee before taking this module, and ideally around twelve months minimum. Pre-requisites for this module of the CDS are:

  • Introduction to Coffee
  • Green Coffee Foundation
  • Sensory Foundation
  • Sensory Intermediate (recommended only)

This is one of the Coffee Diploma System Intermediate modules, 10 credits will be awarded after completion.

Language:  Cantonese or English 
Course material:  English
Course Length:  ~ 9 hours (including exams)

* Course fee includes Exam & Certificates fee
** Date and time can be arranged for groups of 8 or above.
Please email to for more information.

Free Shipping

We offer local free shipping for any purchase of coffee brands or/ and any orders of coffee products made within Hong Kong and Macau over HK $200.
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Game Leader

Not just another cafe! Hazel & Hershey does more than play the field. We source . We roast . We serve . We distribute . We are a one-stop coffee solution provider, a coffee expert who committed to making long-lasting positive change in the coffee industry.
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The Distributor

Recognised as an authorised distributor and/or reseller of your favourite coffee tools
e.g. Acaia, Comandante, Kalita, Delter Press Coffee, La Marzocco, Urnex and VST and more.